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All My Life: History vs. Hollywood

All My Life

Jessica Rothe as Jenn Carter
Jessica Rothe
Born: May 28, 1987
Denver, Colorado, USA
Jennifer Carter
Jenn Carter
Birthplace: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Harry Shum Jr. as Solomon Chau
Harry Shum Jr.
Born: April 28, 1982
Puerto Limón, Costa Rica
Solomon Chau
Solomon Chau
Born: October 27, 1988
Birthplace: St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Death: August 17, 2015 (cancer)

Historical Accuracy (Q&A):

Did Solomon Chau and Jenn Carter meet at a bar?

No. The All My Life movie finds Solomon 'Sol' Chau and Jennifer Carter meeting at a sports bar after Sol and his two buddies approach Jenn and her two girlfriends. The All My Life true story reveals that the real-life couple met years earlier in October 2007 at a house party in St. Catharines, Ontario in celebration of Sol's 19th birthday. He was surrounded by other girls and Jenn wasn't sure what to make of him, but he definitely took a liking to her. His longtime friend Jordan Nunn said that he was "infatuated."

Left: Solomon Chau and girlfriend Jenn Carter in September 2012. Right: Actors Harry Shum Jr. and Jessica Rothe in the movie.

In the weeks following the party, Sol and Jenn talked on the phone regularly. She lived east of Toronto in Pickering, Ontario and he lived south of Toronto (across Lake Ontario) in St. Catharines, which is not far from Niagra Falls. In the middle of a large December snowstorm, Sol took a bus around the eastern side of Lake Ontario up to Pickering and arrived on Jenn's doorstep. The two were together from that point forward. -Toronto Star

Was the real Solomon Chau a chef?

Yes. Solomon was originally from St. Catharines, Ontario. He moved to Toronto to be closer to his girlfriend Jenn and to attend culinary school at George Brown College. After graduating, he worked in some of Toronto's most respected restaurants as he established himself as a chef.

Like in the All My Life movie, Solomon Chau (left) had established himself as a chef in Toronto.

Did Sol propose to Jenn using a flash mob?

Yes. The real Solomon Chau proposed to girlfriend Jenn Carter by gathering her friends and family in the plaza beneath Toronto's CN Tower. He got down on one knee and the others emerged dancing as part of a flash mob. As a tribute to Jenn's sister, who passed away when she was younger, they held dolphin balloons as they danced. In the All My Life movie, the proposal happens on a path beside a river.

When was Solomon Chau diagnosed with cancer?

The All My Life true story reveals that the real Solomon Chau was diagnosed with cancer in December 2014.

What type of cancer did Solomon Chau have?

Like in the movie, Solomon was diagnosed with liver cancer. He was 26 years old at the time of his diagnosis.

Did Solomon have a successful surgery to remove the tumor?

Yes. After he was diagnosed with liver cancer in December 2014, he underwent surgery the following day, just before Christmas. Doctors successfully removed the tumor and told him that his health should improve in a matter of months. Like in the All My Life movie, Sol and Jenn were optimistic and continued to plan their wedding and look forward to their future together.

The real Jenn Carter with Solomon Chau in the hospital (left), and actors Harry Shum Jr. and Jessica Rothe in the movie (right).

Was Solomon Chau in good health prior to the diagnosis?

Yes. The cancer diagnosis came as even more of a surprise to Solomon since he had prided himself on his healthy lifestyle and dedication to exercise.

When did the real Solomon Chau find out his cancer had spread?

As stated earlier, Solomon was diagnosed with liver cancer in December 2014 and he underwent surgery to remove the tumor. The surgery was deemed successful. However, his optimism was shattered several months later in March 2015 when he was rushed to the hospital with severe stomach pain. Doctors informed him that the cancer had spread and he had only a matter of months left to live.

Did their friends really launch an online fundraiser to put together the wedding of their dreams?

Yes. Organized by Sol and Jenn's family and friends, the real-life fundraiser was set up on GoFundMe on March 31, 2015 with the goal of raising $50,000. The stated aim of the fundraiser was "to raise money to fund Jenn and Sol’s wedding, and to send them on an unforgettable trip together." With the help of 628 people in the community and around the world, the campaign raised a total of $52,431 for Sol and Jenn, exceeding the goal and allowing them to have an unforgettable wedding and honeymoon. It had been Sol's wish to have one last trip with Jenn.

The real Jenn Carter (left) and actress Jessica Rothe (right).

Did they really have two weeks to plan their wedding?

For the most part, yes. Their hope was to have the wedding while Solomon was still in relatively good health. The GoFundMe campaign was launched by their family and friends on March 31, 2015 and they were married less than two weeks later on April 11. It should be noted that they had already been planning their wedding since April 2014, but like in the movie, they had roughly two weeks to rush and pull it all together roughly four months ahead of schedule.

Left: The real Jenn Carter and Solomon Chau on their wedding day, April 11, 2015. Right: Jessica Rothe and Harry Shum Jr. in the All My Life movie.

Where were the real Solomon Chau and Jenn Carter married?

The real couple was married on April 11, 2015 at Casa Loma, a Gothic Revival style "castle" that is one of Toronto's most coveted wedding spots. Watch Solomon and Jenn's wedding video below.

Did Solomon Chau defy his doctors' expectations?

Yes. Family and friends attributed it to his positive outlook on life and his joyful spirit. Doctors referred to him as "superhuman" for surviving longer than they expected. -Toronto Star

When did Solomon Chau die?

In researching the true story behind All My Life, we learned that after spending 128 days as husband and wife, Jennifer lost Solomon on Monday afternoon, August 17, 2015. His funeral was held on Saturday, August 22, 2015, which had been the couple's original wedding date. -Toronto Star

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